Shave of the Day 2015

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Brush: Ploccitane
Soap: B&M Seville
Razor: Gold Dollar 208
Razor: Gillette NEW Long Comb
Blade: Shark [2]
After-shave: Pinaud Clubman Virgin Islands Bay Rum
After-shave: Burts Bees Bay Rum balm

Seems like I need to add a SE to the daily shave these days! I already use two razors so why not a third?!?
Sounds like a starter for the Thomas Method.
Early days yet but I'm confident that this SE will be in my starting line up rotation. Loving the new experience.
Sounds like you need to write up your thoughts of your experience in a new thread. Maybe others might join you in discovering SE razors...?!
Sounds like a starter for the Thomas Method.
I was just about to comment that you had been very quiet recently.

Wondered if you had cut your fingers off when trying to sere how sharp your straight razor was.
Sounds like you need to write up your thoughts of your experience in a new thread. Maybe others might join you in discovering SE razors...?!

Good idea. More enabling the better. I'll give mine a good go for a week or so and then write something up.

I always thought that those SE guys were a funny lot but they now have me under their spell.
Good to hear. For me post shave feel comes down to whether you have used enough water with MDC. Some people say it's drying but I suspect they are fooled by its quick lathering.

Hear, Hear. Can turn into Plaster of Paris if you don't add enough water as it loads up so well...
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Razor: 37c
Blade: Trig
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: MWF
Aftershave: Metilsol
Cologne: Cella Eau De Lavande

Trig aren't the best blade in the 37c but it was still an excellent shave.

I also splashed on some of ye olde Cella Lavande for good measure.
Brush: shavemac 177
Soap/Cream: Simpsons "Luxury Shaving Cream"
Razor: Weber
Blade: GSB [4]
After-shave: GFT Sandalwood Skin Food

Not sure of the flavour of the Simpsons but it came as a sample in PCTB2 - got something of the peppermint about it....

On the whole a pretty average shave. The cream's first pass was great but subsequent passes thinned. The GSB expired halfway, and the Skin Food did little to address the tenderness. I think I'm getting spoiled by the likes of MdC, LPL and Myrsol ;)
Razor: MMOC and Weber
Blade: GEM [?] and Vintage Schick [?]
Brush: Vintage Butterscotch Simpson
Soap: Vintage Pen's English Fern
Aftershave: Antisol

Been rocking the world famous Thomas Method invented and propagated by our own @gthomas04

Great - shave

For more details on the Thomas Method see this thread.
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Decided to shave at 11.25pm.... because I have 3 very special tubs in my hands and I want to use at least one before flying out on Friday.

Razor: E1 Fatboy (dialled back to 5)
Blade: La brune française Wilkinson Sword, fabriqué en Angleterre (4)
Brush: Plissitane
Soap/Cream: B&M Prototype #1 :whistle:
Aftershave: Don't need no stinking post, although I do have B&M Kyuvo Original (and it smells amazeballs)

Look, you want to know. Cannot say too much, but it is great. Scent is terrific, performance sensational. I have already told @Barrister & Mann to put it into production as-is.
Razor: MMOC and Weber
Blade: GEM [?] and Vintage Schick [?]
Brush: Vintage Butterscotch Simpson
Soap: Vintage Pen's English Fern
Aftershave: Antisol

Been rocking the world famous Thomas Method invented and propagated by our own @gthomas04

Great - shave

For more details on the Thomas Method see this thread.

Used the Thomas Method again today - great way to utilise the MMOC :)
What can I say? :) Australia Post arrived with a package from a friend in the US. Contained a MMOC, a mint Ever Ready 1924, a 1912 and a Schick Type L injector.

Not enough face. So after sanitising the 1924 and putting in a new GEM SS blade I had the most sensational shave.
I altered my prep a bit this morning.
Created my lather in the scuttle then lathered up but instead of shaving I massaged the lather into my stubble for about 1 - 2 minutes and then towelled it off and re lathered for the first pass.
Cold face shower rinse and on to the second and final pass.
Finished off with a cold face shower and a splash of Witch hazel.
No cuts, no weepers and no irritation. BBS in 2 passes.
The 1924 is amazing.

Not enough face. So after sanitising the 1924 and putting in a new GEM SS blade I had the most sensational shave.
I altered my prep a bit this morning.
Created my lather in the scuttle then lathered up but instead of shaving I massaged the lather into my stubble for about 1 - 2 minutes and then towelled it off and re lathered for the first pass.

Sounds like the first very sensible step towards face lathering ;)
Brush: Semogue Mistura
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Mann Lavanille
Razor:GEM 1912 SE
Blade: GEM by Personna (2)
After-shave: Myrsol Agua Balsamica

Day 2 with the GEM and so far so good. Again, a lot of stubble was removed on the first WTG pass and a quick clean up ATG. My pace is quickening up, which is usually a warning bell, but the confidence with this razor is increasing.

The Barrister & Mann is starting to release its cirtusy scent. Adding more water than normal to the concoction is producing some ace results.

Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: British Flat Bottom Tech Head with Weber Bulldog handle
Blade: Voskhod (2)
Brush: Semogue 610
Soap: Barrister & Mann Lime, Lavender & Cedarwood
Post-shave: Alum, Ghanese Organic Shea Butter, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel

Vintage razors are so different to the modern ones I got used to. Changed back to a 4 pass shave today and an extreme shallow (handle perpendicular to my face) angle to get a very nice shave from the Tech head. Brush is getting very soft - which means also more work while lathering up - but it is well worth it. The soap has now reached the perfect scent balance - wonderful shave!
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