Lather Shots


What was left of the Tabula Rasa lather after 3 passes.
@Osman did you used Musgo Real Classic Scent together with MWF, and did this help creating a much better thick lather with MWF.
Yes @SpeedyPC I used the classic scent. The MWF has no real scent so I like to add creams with a scent I like and I think it creates a thicker creamier lather and with a few drops of glycerin we have some added slickness as well. Its just fun to experiment sometimes.
Yes @SpeedyPC I used the classic scent. The MWF has no real scent so I like to add creams with a scent I like and I think it creates a thicker creamier lather and with a few drops of glycerin we have some added slickness as well. Its just fun to experiment sometimes.

@Osman aaah you've been using the cream I thought you were using the glycerin soap, that way you don't add any glycerin drops into the MWF.

Have you've tried mixing MWF with Musgo Real Classic glycerin soap together instead of using Musgo cream ;)
@Osman aaah you've been using the cream I thought you were using the glycerin soap, that way you don't add any glycerin drops into the MWF.

Have you've tried mixing MWF with Musgo Real Classic glycerin soap together instead of using Musgo cream ;)
No I haven't tried mixing a glycerin soap with a shave soap. I may one day though and see what happens.:)