G'day from Queensland


Mar 12, 2023
I've been in the game since 2015 when I had some birthday money to spend, and decided to get some old-school shaving gear.
Got an Edwin Jagger DE89, Muhle badger brush and a TOBS Sandalwood soap, and I was off.
Still using the same brush. Got a few more soaps and a Fatip Grande.
Welcome @Escherichia !

Sounds like it is about time that you saved some money - calling all enablers!
Welcome! same brush since 2015? I was the same till I started looking here again a few weeks ago 🤔
@Gargravarr there are definitely some coliforms you don't want on your razor...

@Nonick yep, it's lost a few bristles but still does the job!
What's a little septicaemia before breakfast? ;) I notice that you steered away from  Treponemum or  Klebsiella for your choice of handle. At least the E. coli in our guts outnumber our own cells by 10:1

I had a Simpson badger I bought in London in 1982. Now it's as bald as I am. Though I didn't cut any bristles off the brush... :unsure: