Another noob


Aug 6, 2011

Very new to DE shaving... Haven't started yet actually. Razor and some sample blades are on the way though so hopefully next week I'll pop my DE cherry.

Been Lurking around whirlpool and badger and blade for the last few weeks.

Gonna be a long and hairy weekend me thinks. :p
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Hi mate, good to have you. People here who can help you get through anything unfamiliar, just ask.

Check the PIF thread, a few of us have freebies we can send your way.
Hello and welcome. Are you new to traditional shaving as in using a brush and soap/cream? I think that's the first thing to get started with. What you actually shave with (DE, SE etc) can come gradually after that.
Thanks for the reply's. :D

So far i have been tinkering around with a palmolive shave stick and a el cheapo supermarket brush plus a little witch hazel.

Not 100% sure if DE shaving is for me without actually trying one but I'm a convert to using a brush and lather.